Gimana sih cara memansang kode google analytics yang bener di wordpress? pertanyaan ini mungkin pernah timbul di benak anda sebagai seorang blogger pemula. Kali ini saya akan memberikan tutorial cara mudah memasang dan mengintegrasikan kode google analitik di blog dengan plafon wordpress.
Kali ini akan memandu Anda dalam memasang kode analitik di situs wordpress. Ketika kita selesai Anda akan tahu persis bagaimana untuk setup Google Analytics di situs wordpress Anda dengan benar dan mudah.
Apa itu Google Analytics Dan Mengapa kita membutuhkannya?
Google Analytics adalah alat yang hebat yang membantu Anda mengukur seberapa baik situs blog atau websites perusahaan Anda di internet. Hal mengumpulkan data dalam jumlah besar dan memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan hak untuk inti dari apa yang berhasil dan apa yang tidak.Mengetahui dan memahami audiens Anda dan apa yang mereka inginkan adalah faktor sukses besar untuk situs web apapun. Cara terbaik untuk mengetahui audiens Anda adalah melalui statistik lalu lintas dan inilah yang disediakan oleh Google Analytics secara gratis. Ada banyak software Stat dan plugin lain seperti Google Analytics yang juga gratis, namun Google Analytics memiliki hasil yang paling akuran.
Google Analytics menunjukkan Anda:
- Yang mengunjungi website Anda
- Apa yang mereka lakukan di situs web Anda
- Pada apa waktu mereka mengunjungi situs Anda
- Di mana mereka tiba di situs Anda
- Analytics juga menunjukkan rincian dari setiap sumber lalu lintas
- Dan masih banyak lagi
Memasang Google Analytics di WordPress blog
#Step 1 – Signing In
The first step to having Google Analytics setup on your wordpress site is to create a free Google Analytics account. To do this, you will need to visit the Google Analytics Signup Page and login.
Once you reach the page above, you will see a screen like the one shown below. If you have a Google Email(Gmail) account, then use that to sign up Google Analytics with. If you do not own a Gmail account, you will have to create a new account yourself and then join Google Analytics.
#Step 2 – Signing Up For Google Analytics
Once you sign-in with your Gmail account, you will be prompted to a screen like the one below. This is where you will sign up for Google analytics with your Gmail account.
If you are not prompted to a screen like the one shown below please click here to be taken there.
Once you reach this page, click on the button which says Sign Up, which is on the very right.
#Step 3 – Chose Tracking And Enter Your Information
On the next screen, you will be given choice to choose between website or mobile app tracking. Make sure website is selected.
After choosing the website option, enter your Website’s URL, Account name (it can be of your choice – anything you like), country, and the time zone. The information is quite self-explanatory.
*Note: Do not change the Data Sharing Settings. Keep them as they are!*
Once you have entered the information shown on the page, click on the Get Tracking ID button. You will be presented with Google Analytics terms and service which you must agree to, so click on the I Agree button.
#Step 4 – Copy The Tracking Code
Now you will be presented with a Google Analytics tracking code. Copy this tracking code because you will need to enter it in your WordPress site.
If you can’t see the tracking code, click on the Admin panel on the top of the page,
and then click on the tracking info option which is the Property column.
Inside the tracking info option, click on the Tracking Code button. Once you click on the button, you be taken to page which has your tracking code on it.
After you copy the code, keep the tab open.
#Step 5 – Installing Google Analytics On Your WordPress Site
There are 4 ways to install Google Analytics into WordPress: Plugins Installation(the most recommended), Direct copy and paste, and editing the functions.php file(the least recommended). Some themes also offer an option where you can insert code into the header/footer of your website in the theme’s theme options, and you can paste it there easily.
Plugin Installation:
There are tons of plugins available to add Google Analytics to your site. Install plugin which allows you to insert a code into the header of your site (e.g. Insert Header and Footer), or a plugin which is specially made for Google Analytics (e.g. Google Analytics by Yoast).
Direct Copy Or Paste:
Copy the code that you received in Step 4, and paste it in your theme’s header.php right after the <body> tag.
Editing The Functions.php File:
Add the following code in your theme’s functions.php file and don’t forget to paste your Google Analytics code from Step 4 where it says “Enter Your Google Analytics Code Here”.
<?php add_action('wp_footer', 'add_googleanalytics'); function add_googleanalytics() { ?> //Enter Your Google Analytics Code Here <?php } ?
Once you have installed Google Analytics onto your site, you can go back to the screen from Step 4 and click save.
Last but not certainly the least, you want to click on the Reporting tab to see your site’s analytics overview. It takes Google up to 12 – 24 hours to start providing you with the stunning site stats that you need.
Then you are ready to start tracking your visitors and start raking in the leads and customers.
And you know what the best part is? Next time, installing Google Analytics won’t feel quite as daunting. 🙂
Google Analytics is a must have for anyone and everyone. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section below.
Oke itulah cara memasang kode analitik pada wordpres, semoga bisa membantu anda. Artikel ini di sadur dan di terjemahkan sebagian dari
Suka sama totorialnya, simpel dan mudah di pahami